This is a special time of year; the time of year when we reflect on all of the things for which we are thankful. Good health, warm houses and loved ones are just a few of the things that we can be thankful for throughout the year. Paw Print Genetics is very thankful and grateful for our customers, large and small. Without the responsible breeders and individuals who care deeply about canine health, we would not be here. We take pride in serving you the best way we know how.
Paw Print Genetics works very hard to provide you the best genetic testing and customer service in the industry. We are proud to provide you with so many little extras to help you better care for your dogs. Some of the little things that matter include online account management, providing you changes to your dog’s reports at no charge, as you select the best and register those for the future, and providing Paw Print Pedigrees so that you can show the world that you are a responsible breeder.
In addition to our customers, I am thankful for our amazing staff of molecular technologists, PhD geneticists and veterinarians that are dedicated to canine health and developing the largest menu of tests to support all of your needs. Each test is researched from the available medical literature to support the offering, meticulously developed using standards set in the human diagnostic testing industry, and validated extensively before launching the service. Even after launching, the test performance is monitored, reviewed and if needed, modified for ongoing improvements.
Now in the thick of the holiday season, we are reminded that this time of year can also be stressful. Paw Print Genetics is here to help you with your testing, to be a friend when a breeding doesn’t go as planned, or provide you with expert advice to help ease the confusion or frustration of genetics and testing.
Thank you again to all of our amazing clients. We know that you have a choice in laboratories and truly appreciate your support. Have a wonderful holiday season and give all those pups hugs from us!
Season’s Greetings,
Lisa G. Shaffer, PhD